If you know me or of me, you will know I like beer. Over the last few years I have been collecting photos of every new beer I have.
I now have over 2,000 individual beers photographed and have realised that many beers that I assumed I have photos of, I haven't.

This blog will be therefore be an account of my quest for new beers to photo and how I enjoyed them (or not).
My email is ralphgant@sky.com.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Holland Trip, Draught Beers

Just had a week in Holland and have many beers to review, I also bought a lot of botteled beers to bring home, I will review these at a latter date.

Why Holland you may ask, well, one day in Jan or Feb, I did something unusual, I opened an email from Tesco, I would usually just delete them but this one caught my eye. It said "latest clubcard deals", I opened it and found an offer for a one week holiday with Thompson Alfresco, in exchange for £50.00 in Tesco vouchers. I had £50.00 in Tesco vouchers, so we looked to see where we could go, the answer was, all over Europe but to keep the cost and driving down to a minimum, we chose Holland. The Duinrell campsite in Wassenaar, to be more precise.

Most draught beers in most bars in Wassenaar, worked out to about £4.00/pint, although we did find some more and some less.

First I sampled Swinckels, Volmaakt from Holland

Swinckels, Volmaakt, Holland

5.5% gold colour with a very thin head, malt aroma, taste is bitter malt and hops, slightly sweet, in fact most of the beers were very similar.

Next, Brand, Pilsener from Holland

Brand, Pilsener, Holland

5.0% gold colour with a nice head, malt aroma bitter malt and hop taste.

The next one was a pleasant change, Brand, Weizen from Holland

Brand, Weizen, Holland

5.1% hazy gold colour with a nice head, banana aroma, nice yeasty banana taste, quite good.

Another new beer, Grolsch, Lentebok from Holland

Grolsch, Lentebok, Holland

6.5% gold colour with a thin head, fruity malt aroma, sweet strong lager taste.

Finally, Hertog Jan, Pilsener from Holland

Hertog Jan, Pilsener, Holland

5.1% gold colour with a nice head, hop and malt aroma slightly bitter taste with some hop.

I did have a few other draught beers but nothing new.