Just had a week in Holland and have many beers to review, I also bought a lot of botteled beers to bring home, I will review these at a latter date.
Why Holland you may ask, well, one day in Jan or Feb, I did something unusual, I opened an email from Tesco, I would usually just delete them but this one caught my eye. It said "latest clubcard deals", I opened it and found an offer for a one week holiday with Thompson Alfresco, in exchange for £50.00 in Tesco vouchers. I had £50.00 in Tesco vouchers, so we looked to see where we could go, the answer was, all over Europe but to keep the cost and driving down to a minimum, we chose Holland. The Duinrell campsite in Wassenaar, to be more precise.
Most draught beers in most bars in Wassenaar, worked out to about £4.00/pint, although we did find some more and some less.
First I sampled Swinckels, Volmaakt from Holland
5.5% gold colour with a very thin head, malt aroma, taste is bitter malt and hops, slightly sweet, in fact most of the beers were very similar.
Next, Brand, Pilsener from Holland
5.0% gold colour with a nice head, malt aroma bitter malt and hop taste.
The next one was a pleasant change, Brand, Weizen from Holland
5.1% hazy gold colour with a nice head, banana aroma, nice yeasty banana taste, quite good.
Another new beer, Grolsch, Lentebok from Holland
6.5% gold colour with a thin head, fruity malt aroma, sweet strong lager taste.
Finally, Hertog Jan, Pilsener from Holland
5.1% gold colour with a nice head, hop and malt aroma slightly bitter taste with some hop.
I did have a few other draught beers but nothing new.