As usual at this time, I have not had many new beers over the last month but I have has some. There are only five all together, so here we go.
De Halve Maan, Brugse Zot, Belgium

6.0% deep amber in colour with a nice head, a nice fruity aroma and a fizzy but nice taste. Had this one before back in 2007, in Bruges, I even had it in the brewery but there is no write up (also the brewery was closed for tours). Brugse Zot translates as Bruges Fools.
De Kazematten, The Wipers Times 14 from Belgium

6.2% hazy gold in colour with a thin head, it had a sweet aroma and a nice but sweet taste.
And Union, Saturday Lager from Germany

5.0% gold in colour with a thin head, there was not much aroma but a nice sweet lager taste.
And Union, Sunday Pale Ale from Germany

5.5% deep gold in colour with a nice head, a slight hop aroma and a hoppy taste.
De Ryck, Arend Tripel from Belgium

8.0% slightly hazy gold in colour with a thin head, fruity aroma, it had a strong fizzy taste.