Well it is getting toward the end of February and I have not had any new beers for over a month. I have had a few cans of beers that have changed from what they used to be though, so here goes.
Zywiec, Warka Podaje Piłkę from Poland
5.5% gold colour with thin head, slight malt aroma and an ordinary lager taste. According to ratebeer this is the same beer as Zywiec, Warka from Poland, but that is 5.7%.
Marstons, Lancaster Bomber from England
4.4%, deep amber colour and a good but thin head, fruity aroma, caramel malt taste, bitter aftertaste. Was made by Thwaites, now only says Marstons on the can but you have to look very hard to see it.
Wychwood, Hobgoblin from England
4.5% very dark amber with a thin head, fruity hop aroma, nice creamy malt taste, this beer was 5.2% not too long ago, I thought Wychwood were better than this.
24/2/17 just bought bottles of Hobgoblin and it is still 5.2%, so how come the cans are only 4.5%????