Still a couple of days to go and still two beers but here are the last two I had up to yesterday
Ridgeway, Reindeer Droppings from England

Still a couple of days to go and still two beers but here are the last two I had up to yesterday
Ridgeway, Reindeer Droppings from England
Here we are then, the next lot of Christmas Beers that I bought online, as I am not going anywhere near the shops for a while.
Silly, Double Enghien d’Hiver from Belgium
Well here we go again but with not being able to get out this year, all of this years Christmas Beers I tried where bought online. It is unbelievable the amount of beer I have bought online this year and also the amount of dealers I have used online.
Anyway here are the beers I have tried so far, I will add the others over then next few days.
Ridgeway, Black Elf from England
Believe it or not, I have had almost as many new beers this year as usual. Although this year, quite a few of the beers have been bought online and there are still a few to get through.
I have hardly been out of the house since March, except for trips to the Chemist even all of our food shopping has been done online (same as the beer shopping). Aldi and Lidl do not do deliveries, Tesco would not deliver to us as we did not usually get deliveries from them, so we have been using ASDA. I fell out with ASDA a few years back but they have been fantastic over this period.
Anyway back to the beer,
Anspach & Hobday, The Ordinary Bitter from England
Here are three from the Loch Lomond brewery in Scotland, still more beers to follow shortly.
Loch Lomond, Lost In Mosaic from Scotland
I do not think that anyone actually reads these beer blogs, well a tiny few do but as its my hobby, I will just carry on as if they all do.
Here are the last four I had, still in cans and I still have quite a few cans left to try, I have just had some very good beers delivered, these are for general use.
Arcade Beerworks, 4 (New England Session IPA), Scotland
Early in September we had a three night visit to York in the Van, most things were almost the same a usual. Other things were very different, and therefore the new beers I found, without mixing with too many other people, was very few.
The only shop that I went in on our three day visit was a new beer shop, what a waste of time that was, small cans for well over £4.00, most over £5.00 and some beers were a lot more.
I will mention the couple of new beers I tried but will also cover what I really enjoyed drinking without thinking.
Peroni, Tradizione E Qualità from Italy
The first of these was actually drank on the last day of August but let's not worry about that.
By The Horns, Cosmic Warrior from England
Back in August I had four canned beers from Black Isle Brewing Co, quite a good Scottish brewer. Three of these beers are made in collaboration with Flavourly.
Flavourly / Black Isle, Session IPA from Scotland